Reports indicate that young Ramona had used a time-traveling machine to transport herself from the past to try and rescue her older self. It appears that she had become increasingly despondent in her search for meaning and adventure, just like her older self before the Sky Race.
Experts suggest that the nature of Aerisian magic led to some malfunction during the time-traveling process, causing young Ramona to land in the time period of the Sky Race. She accidentally stumbled upon her older-self airship being sabotaged by an unknown entity, which could be the same cloaked figure spotted during Ramona’s disappearance.
Young Ramona took it upon herself to intervene and stopped the enemy amidst their act of sabotage, averting disaster only resulting in being targeted by them. Fleeing for her life, she found solace in a secret hideaway where she learned what happened in her future.
It was then that she discovered the catastrophic consequences of tampering with time travel and that her mission was dangerous than expected. Nevertheless, driven by her sense of purpose, she sets off again; bolder and more determined than ever before.
As many remain skeptical about such fantastical occurrences even in Aeris, authorities have acknowledged this crucial development and intend to utilize any opportunity they can to bring back one of their own safely.
As the investigations continue, Aerisians have turned their attention to yet another stunning chapter in their history- one involving their very existence. The Floating City faces its greatest challenge yet, a mystery capable enough of vaporizing its skies.

The Floating City of Aeris is a marvel of engineering and magic. The city itself is a massive airship that soars through the skies, held aloft by powerful magic and advanced technology. In this world, airship travel is the primary mode of transportation, and the annual Sky Race is a highly anticipated event. Pilots from all over the Floating City gather to compete for the title of champion, showcasing their skills and daring in a thrilling race through the clouds. The world of the Floating City of Aeris is a place of adventure and wonder, where magic and technology blend seamlessly to create a unique and fascinating society. The excitement and danger lurks in the skies, waiting for those brave enough to take to the air.
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